
Bundesdemo Berlin 31.10.2012 „Wir sind hier, wir sind laut, weil man uns die Kinder klaut“ Senior Reporter Dale Hurd and European Correspondent for CBN News war dabei! Wir sagen herzlichen Dank und ganz arg liebe Grüße an Dale Hurd!!! Die deutsche Presse hat hingegen wieder einmal bewiesen, was sie von Kinderrechten und von ehrlichem Journalismus hält!

JUGENDAMT the so called 'Child Welfare Agency' echoes Nazi Germany

Send a clear signal to the Germans, by boycotting german goods on the International Market !
The wealth obtained from this economy is also being used to violate human rights in a very gross manner as depicted by these pictures and a lot more incidents which are not documented here. Financing homes and foster parents, who remove children from their non-German families against their will. No one on this world supports this treatment of children, so why should German be an exception.



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